J 認めたくないものだな。自分自身の若さゆえの過ちというものを!
E Nobody ever likes to admit mistakes due to his own youth. But I guess this time, I simply have not choice.
J 見せてもらおうか、連邦軍のモビルスーツの性能とやらを。
E Let's just see. Let's test the reaction time of your brand-new mobile suit.
J どうもお坊ちゃん育ちが身に染みこみすぎている。甘いな。
E Still the same spoiled rich kid I once knew. Too soft.
J ガルマ、聞こえていたら君の生まれの不幸を呪うがいい。君はいい友人であったが君の父上がいけないのだよ。
E Hey, Garma. Do you read me? Blame this on the misfortune of your birth. You were indeed a very good friend to me. Don't take it personally, you can thank your father for this.
J 坊やだからさ
E Because he was a spoiled brat.
J ニュータイプは万能ではない。戦争の生み出した人類の悲しい変種かもしれないのだ。
E Even Newtypes aren't omniscient... Quite possibly they are pathetic human mutations spawned by war.
J アムロ君、君がこの私の言うことがわかるなら、私の同士になれ。ララアも喜ぶ。
E If Amuro can let go and understand what it is I am trying to say. Then fight along - beside me. Lalah would be happy.
J 認めたくないものだな。自分自身の若さゆえの過ちというものを!
E Nobody ever likes to admit mistakes due to his own youth. But I guess this time, I simply have not choice.
J 見せてもらおうか、連邦軍のモビルスーツの性能とやらを。
E Let's just see. Let's test the reaction time of your brand-new mobile suit.
J どうもお坊ちゃん育ちが身に染みこみすぎている。甘いな。
E Still the same spoiled rich kid I once knew. Too soft.
J ガルマ、聞こえていたら君の生まれの不幸を呪うがいい。君はいい友人であったが君の父上がいけないのだよ。
E Hey, Garma. Do you read me? Blame this on the misfortune of your birth. You were indeed a very good friend to me. Don't take it personally, you can thank your father for this.
J 坊やだからさ
E Because he was a spoiled brat.
J ニュータイプは万能ではない。戦争の生み出した人類の悲しい変種かもしれないのだ。
E Even Newtypes aren't omniscient... Quite possibly they are pathetic human mutations spawned by war.
J アムロ君、君がこの私の言うことがわかるなら、私の同士になれ。ララアも喜ぶ。
E If Amuro can let go and understand what it is I am trying to say. Then fight along - beside me. Lalah would be happy.